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Stellan Skarsgård: “Yes Lars, I’ll be there”

September 19, 2012

Mr. Skarsgård, where do you live?

I live in Sweden because the taxes are higher, nobody is starving, good health care, free schools and universities. It’s a civilized country and I like that.

You prefer paying higher taxes?

Of course. If you make a lot of money like I do you should pay higher taxes. Everybody should have the possibility to go to school, and university, and have good healthcare.

Not everyone seems to agree on that I guess…

Well, the sad thing is that most Americans who are on Medicare, or some kind of state support, don’t think they are. They say, “Smaller government! No fucking help for the sick!” But it’s like, you are being helped. And they say, “No, not me, am I?” And of course the Republicans will not tell them either. That is what happens when you have bad education in a society. Then people like Rick Santorum get elected for things. (Laughs) It’s an educational problem.

So you wouldn’t feel comfortable living in America? Do you have an apartment there?

No, I don’t have anything there. I don’t mind going there, and there are a lot of fantastic things about America, and half of Americans are pretty sane. You have a lot of interesting culture, writers, filmmakers, and intellectual debate, which is fabulous. But it is difficult to accept a system where the level of the political debate is such that Republican senators or congressmen that have gone to great universities can stand up and say, “If you get healthcare it is socialism and your grandmas will be shot.” And nobody says anything! I wouldn’t be proud if I was an American.

Are you proud to be Swedish?

I am not a nationalist in any way, and I hate flag waving, and I don’t think much good has come out of nationalism. I am proud of Scandinavia in the sense that we have actually managed to create a very tolerant and human society, which is very livable. They are of course deconstructing it and privatizing everything now, but there has been some achievement up there, in that cold north.

Is it important for you to support Scandinavian films?

I don’t really care about the nationality. For instance, I think I have done 1 film in 15 years in Sweden. So I don’t think nationally. But I think it is important for me to do the smaller low budget films, and the independent films where the director has more power, so it becomes more personal, and the stories are more complex. I want to support those kinds of films.

I suppose that’s why you like working with Lars von Trier.

I am going to do Lars von Trier’s next film, which according to him is a porno flick. He called me and said, “Stellan, I am going to do a porno flick next and I want you to be the main lead in it.” “Yes Lars, I’ll be there, that’s no problem.” “But you will not get to fuck!” “It’s fine Lars, I will come anyway.” “But you will show your dick at the end and it will be very floppy.” “That’s all right Lars, I’ll be there.”

Just like that.

I haven’t seen any script yet, but I have seen an outline and some scenes of it and I think it will be very interesting. (Laughs)

With Lars you don’t need to see the script before you sign on?

Yeah, I would work with him without a script. I mean, I don’t consider it work. It’s just fun; it’s like play. I love it.

It’s like play?

Well, I mean, my ambition is to be real and truthful all the time, and also to be unplanned in a way, to create life. You cannot plan life, especially in front of the camera. So if you prepare really thoughtfully and you do exactly the same thing in front of the camera that you did at home, it could be brilliant but it will always be dead. So you have to let your own life seep through in a way.

That sounds like a good gig.

I have done ninety films or something and it is still fascinating. I still have fun when I am doing it and there are new people being created all the time. Man is such an amazing animal, and the possibilities are infinite for each person.

Do you feel lucky to do what you do?

Of course. I am not only lucky to be an actor, but I am lucky to be one of the most privileged actors in the world because I can do all kinds of films and genres and everything.

When did you reach that point?

It wasn’t like “a star is born” kind of thing. It’s been gradual. It is really boring for journalists because if you want to write you should write, “And that day my life changed.” My life reads more like Proust than a tabloid. (Laughs)

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Short Profile

Name: Stellan John Skarsgård
DOB: 13 June 1951
Place of Birth: Gothenburg, Sweden
Occupation: Actor

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69 Responses to this Interview

  1. I sympathize with much of what Stellan Skarsgard says. I like you Stellan because you are a compassionate and empathetic person and because you are straight in your statements. You have the ability to compare the social life in Sweden and USA. And not least, you are a very talented actor and director.

  2. Andreas Persson Fondell

    And how about all those people who are starving because the government threw them out into the cold when they were too sick to work? What about those people who were forced to live on welfare in this time of crisis and earns less than half of a minimum wage and where the welfare check hasn’t gotten any bigger since 1996? What about the families who are being evicted from their apartments despite our laws stating that everyone should have a home and a decent standard of living and that no child should be evicted from their home? What about all those elderly people who worked their entire lives and get their own money stolen from them because the government needs to pay for their political mistakes? What about all those people who are stuck in a system where they can’t get a job because the government said so, despite claiming that they are creating jobs? What about all the people that live in motor homes who get shoved around and bullied by police and politicians? Show this to the 8% of mass unemployed people in this country who suffer because this government has a hatred for everyone that doesn’t earn over 1 million a year. You live in a dream world, Stellan. Sweden is slowly moving towards the US when it comes to kicking people when they’re down. Sweden isn’t all that great anymore and I hope that capitalism will never show its ugly face in this once wonderful socialist country of ours ever again. It can still be salvaged.

    • “They are of course deconstructing it and privatizing everything now”

      Andreas. Stellan håller med dig.
      Han pratar om välfärdsstaten som den var.
      Andreas: Stellan agrees with you.
      He’s talking about what was, and is still left of the welfare state.
      (Welfare – to fare well in life)

    • Andreas, läs artikeln först, for crying out loud.

    • I live in Sweden and I have not had a job in over 2 years. Yet, I get money from the government, enough money so I can live well. I do not need to worry about something in a big way, for whatever happens, I know that I will survive.

      Does not matter how much you earn. You are always a human being and you deserve a certain standard. That’s why I love my country.

      Google translate, but i think you get the point.

      • It is a terrible shame that people like you get money from the state. Get a job.
        You come off as a freeloader and a lazy dimwit and I indirectly contribute to your lifestyle, just by working.
        OF COURSE we should have a system that supports you if you loose your job, but 2 years? Thats just being lazy

    • Don’t complain my Swedish friend.Please,come to Spain and you will see many things.

    • Amadeus Winqvist

      Not true. Sweden is investing more money than ever on welfare. Stop spreading lies! Just check out “länsstyrelsen” report from this spring.

    • Come to Greece Andreas and you can try living on a salary of 300euro per month

  3. Bravo, Stellan! You are a man after my own heart, sensible and smart. We need men like you in America. Please come back often, speak your mind as often as you can and continue to give us your first rate perfomances whenever you do.

  4. Always loved his outlook on life. Interesting fellow! Thank you.

  5. Jag skulle kunna skriva så mycket, men jag nöjer mig med.
    Tack, Stellan!

  6. I am not swedish, and I have never been there.
    But I love sweden and am I proud that a country like it exists. I understand from comments above that it is not that ideal what it once was. But it is still miles ahead from others countries.

    In the last two decades i have enjoyed watching swedish films for childeren. There must be a relation between this solidarity-feeling of society and making great films for childeren.
    If you know the value of children and do everything to give them what they deserve ( joy, education, love, worrieless-life ) when they grow up they creat the same for the next generation.

    When you grow up as work-childeren in a factory or a lot worse in street you have in your turn do not mind putting childeren on work.

    I wish incarnation would be true and I would come back in world when all Bangladesh ‘s of this world turn to Sweden.
    jag älskar dig Sverige.

    • We have a saying in Sweden called: “We borrow this land from of our chirlden” And if you think that way, i think you would the world a better place. Nice writing of you, have a nice time!

  7. im sure the man loves making films in america, and getting paid by american film making companies…

    • “You read and write and sing and experience, thinking that one day these things will build the character you admire to live as. You love and lose and bleed best you can, to the extreme, hoping that one day the world will read you like the poem you want to be.”
      ― Charlotte Eriksson ….Proust will be with you Stellan doing a Lars movie …In Swedeen…Porn Flick,right, lol

    • Proust , Porn Flick in a Lars movie in Sweden… Why am I not surprised by that?…Funny guy..

    • Björgvin Þórhallsson

      What´s that supposed to mean?

    • One day, Tony, when you grow up and learn to read, you should read the story you just commented.

    • Yup, and then pay 67% of it in taxes to benefit the society where he’s chosen to live. So what?

  8. seems to me most famous swedes return to sweden at some point, and the middleeasterners are migrating there in droves, could be something there.

    • As a Swede that emigrated to the U.S. I can’t find most of this funny to read, especially since I disagree with pretty much everything he said.

      Sweden is a country of mediocrity. Yes, the Universities are free, but they are either hard to get into, because just like healthcare, when the Gov’t foots the bill, they can only save money by reducing how many gets it, or what they get.

      On top of that, the mediocrity is clear. Ask anyone in Europe if they would like to go to Stockholm University, or … oh i don’t know.. Harvard or Yale…. Gov’t managed doesn’t really promote exceptional results.

      In Sweden, I was a High ranking officer at a software company, and was not really getting anywhere. After taxes, (all taxes included) were done. I got to keep about 25% of my paycheck. When I got sick, I had to wait for weeks to see a Doctor, the health care guarrantee (sjukvårdsgaratin) offered by the swedish government is a joke. Here, I get to see my doctor the same day or next, often it’s simply a matter of what I chose. And the cost of my taxes plus insurance is still leaving me a LOT more than I had In Sweden.

      I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Mr. Skarsgard uses private doctors in Sweden, paid for by his U.S. box office earnings. But that of course wouldn’t be mentioned too much.

      I guess to each their own, but far from all Swedes think like he does, that’s one thing that’s for certain.

      • John good for you if you sort it out and scape to US from our horrible and mediocre country in which probably you got your degree for free and even if your parents are peasants, nobles or even immigrants you were able to go to school and then university, probably you couldn’t get a PhD position because yes it is hard to get in because is not about money like in USA or UK where if you have the money for the fees you’re in, here is about meritocracy and yes I have met people and I know people not just from Europe, Asia or America that want to study in universities like Lund, Uppsala and even Stockholm. Lucky you then because I imagine you are swimming in money to pay private health care in USA and you don’t need to go to Canada to have a surgery or emergency with a normal cost as many Northamericans do. As far as I remember I never had to wait two weeks for see the doctor at the vårdcentralen if you are/were really sick you know you have the emergency. My parents, my grandparents and I we have payed taxes since always, my kids enjoy the child care system, my grandparents enjoy the elderly care system because they use to pay always their taxes even if they were not rich, but of course for someone who thinks is smart enough to critique a whole society because beliefs that solidarity and welfare should be a human right I guess is not important, however thank you for leaving Sweden!
        Stellan thank you! you are not just a brilliant actor I can see that you are a wonderful human as well , you have your hearth in the left side precis som det ska vara!

      • The swedish system promotes hard work. Universitets are free and if you cannot get in one year, you have the opportunity to better your grades and get another chance. You did not keep 25% of your paycheck, that is a lie. You pay 30% tax, however, with the “jobbskatteavdrag” (work tax reduction) today you get to keep about 75-80% if you do the math. So, by paying 25% tax you get free school, healthcare and a retirement fund. Of course it is hard to join certain universities, however, you cannot expect to study in Stockholm, Gothenburg or Lund without having Done the hard work. If you want to study mechanical engineering, there are several schools in smaller towns where practicly everyone gets in. Oh and by the way. Swedes study for free and Can work anywhere in scandinavia. If it is money that you want so bad in life, Norway is an alternative for those Swedes. However most come back when they soon realize money doesnt buy them happiness

      • Marcus Johansson

        Yes, you are clearly part of a richer society, just like the ones Stellan speaks about telling people that free healthcare is socialism and that your grandmother will be shot so we are kinda glad to get rid of you. Clearly you have no sympathy for people that are not in the top 1%.

        And keeping 25% of your paycheck, please, try your bullshit arguments in USA, because everybody in Sweden knows its bullshit.
        You having to wait for a doctor?? Haha, you can buy your way to cut the que.
        Good riddance.

      • No. Just no.

      • No shit America is treating you better than Sweden, that’s what he says. Rich people have it well and poor people have nothing.

        Imagine living there with a salary of less than 20k a year and then realise most people are in that demographic.

        You like America because you are greedy and selfish.

        Hospitals take time in Sweden because they treat people in the correct order: Sickest first, first in first out.
        You get to see your doctor the same day because he doesn’t want to lose your money by making you wait.

        Capitalism works for the bourgeois, and it does so for a reason.
        It’s a shame you find his philanthropic attitude so hard to accept.

        I hope your compassion and empathy will grow, so you can help make the world a better place!

      • John, please stop lying.
        If you get sick you go to you’r nearest medical center and they send you to hospital if it’s serious. If it’s not that serious you have to wait. To bad rich people can’t pass the queue isn’t it? Because you are sooo important aren’t you?

        Mediocrity? One of the most successful countries in the world in industry, telecommunications, medical research, automotive technology. Come on now, be fare.

        But Sweden is unfairly idealized as a “socialist” country. We still have a concentration of wealth that put most countries to shame, and there is certainly no shortage of privileges to the rich.

      • John – a bit rude to call the country mediocre when it educated you to the extent that you became a high ranking officer for a software company. By the way, that “mediocre” country that you are talking about hosts some of the most well known companies and talent in the world. 6.5% of the WORLD’s start-up exits come from that “mediocre” country. http://www.virgin.com/entrepreneur/the-worlds-best-start-up-hubs-stockholm-sweden

      • The winner takes it all? Is that your egoistic view of life? Sweden got more intelligent people per capita than the USA. Universities are not worse than american unuversities. The difference is that in Sweden we don’t have to compete. You seem to have a very low self acknowledgement. You are a very small man and you have no idea about solidarity.
        Good to get rid of you. Please stay in the USA. We don’t want you back.

  9. What Stellan describes is a part of Swedish culture. A greater understanding of responsibility for each other and society as a whole, not just the close community. It is equal responsibility that provides possibility. In other words, everyone chips in and helps out for the well being of the entire community. It truly is beautiful. All of my friends are amazed at how this culture shines through in everyday life. Everything from free education to a very low health care cost. Even the cultural trait as small as the “påtår” (a free refill at the order of ordinary coffee) and the trust that is placed in you get it yourself and only refill once amazes friends of mine.
    That culture is something to be proud of!

  10. I find it so hard to understand how some people fully defends; That they are more entiteld to the societies priviliges just because their parents are rich or that they were born in a certain country.. This something I see and experiance on a daily basis and still I get really suprised everytime I met someone like that. We are all the same the only things seperetes us is the enviroment we grow up in. America is perfect example.. It´s a country that is politically paralized. Whilst there´s no movement and no real improvments there´s people sittin in the goverment and collecting shameless sallerys and making private contracts with the goverment – the repulicans don´t care wheater 90% of the country is going to shit.. They can still put their kids in private schools to secure tehir future and use Hollywood as some sort of distraction to prevent the world from seeing it´s true colors and keep selling some fake ass american patriotism . If you look at sweden on the other hand, a country built of the mojaority of the people. It´s sad to say that we are moving in a direction towards Imperialsm while we have the facts and examples by just looking at countries like US. Then again, in sweden, just as any other counrty there´s people like Stellan or Olof Palme that really speakes their minds – these people can and will make a difference by just doing so. I beileve that Americans needs to be more critical towards their leaders and demand the power to be divided. There will always be people in high possitions taking advantege, greed is human. Therefore, the only way of having a soceity moving forward in a possitive direction is to be critical – Stay critical to the leaders folks!

  11. Tack Stellan!
    Tack för att du står upp för vem du är och dina ideal.
    Du är en inspiration till oss alla.
    Tack för att du vågar var så öppenhjärtig.
    Tack för att du visar oss alla medmänsklighet.
    Jag känner värme inom mig när jag vet att det finnas sådana som du och jag vågar då själv kämpa i samma riktning.

  12. Agneta Schyllert

    Man måste beundra en kille som vill betala mer skatt…om man får tillbaka den i någon form.

  13. “nobody is starving and good health care”

    Which planet did you ome from??? Or are you talking about Sweden for like 20-25 years ago???

  14. Americans are the most scared people in the world. They are scared about sickness, violence …

  15. Love you! Allways did!

  16. I’m a uk expat living in Sweden.Proud to live in Sweden. I am also a Stellan fan. I have never seen a bad Stellan film.
    His comments are fair and balanced. Sweden is still an amazing country and despite many comments about ‘high taxation’ at least, for the most part, you see something concrete and life enhancing for your taxes.
    Just quite how such a small (relatively speaking) population spread over such a vast area can develop a society that is humane, modern and tolerant is something of a 21st century miracle.

  17. Sorry Stellan but there is peopel in Sweden that starves and the health care sucks maybe not in your world but it is how it is in our world

    • Snacka skit. När har du inte fått sjukvård i ett akutfall? Det är skillnaden. Jänkarna ska alltid ha betalt.

    • Not even the most poor in Sweden have starvation issues. Besides, the quality of out health care is considered as some of the best in the world.

  18. AverageNorwegian

    I am not Swedish, I live in the little brother coutnry to the wes, Norway – but we are very similar as countries. I have traveled a lot all over the world and recognize that I won the lottery when born. I like the US, as a visitor, but I would never want to live there, I disapprove of the “not everybody should get good healtcare, not everyone should be able to go to the university”-attitude. This needs to be fixed.

    Humane societies, like the ones in the Nordic countries, is by far (imho) the best places to live. Thanks to Stellan, I love most, but not all, of your films :)

    • I take offense at comments like the US doesn’t want to give people health care. I pay for my own health care because I’m responsible. Not a dependent overgrown baby. A free society means you can do whatever you want. And be whatever you want. I’m sorry. Where are the famous fashion designers and musicians in Sweden? You’re likely using an iPhone and Microsoft – both designed by Americans. I would rather starve than have the working people of the US support me for years on end. What a sad sentiment-to live on others’ hard work. Even militarily.

      • Omg, ” I pay for my own health care because I’m responsible. Not a dependent overgrown baby.” Say you’re working for a company, which goes bankrupt and suddenly you find yourself unemployed. A couple of months later you find out that you have breast cancer. This happened to a relative of mine in Greece. Health care in Greece is not free, and her insurance didn’t cover much. Now she is lucky because she has us here in Sweden who could send her some money, and also she lives in a great community which helped her out. But if she’d been living in a bigger city and didn’t have us, how was she supposed to manage that situation?

        “A free society means you can do whatever you want. And be whatever you want.” If your idea of a “free society” is a society where you’re supposed to take care of yourself and not expect any help from society when in need, it’s only “free” for the healthy and priviligied, and some lucky bastards who made it in life despite it all. If your parents can’t even afford to send you to school, you are not free to do what you want-or become what you want.

        ” Where are the famous fashion designers and musicians in Sweden?”
        Um…ever heard of H&M? (not a specific fashion designer I know, but still one of the world’s largest clothing companies)
        Also, some say that we’re the world’s third largest music export country after the US and the UK (even though our population is about the same as New York city). Mainly thanks to our free music schools. We have loads of great music artists and groups (many of them fairly underrated I must say) as Robyn, Avicii, Swedish House Mafia, Icona Pop, First Aid Kit, Erik Hassle, the Knife, Tove Lo….I could go on with music producers/writers and metal groups.

      • Jenna, what do you mean with “Where are the famous fashion designers and musicians in Sweden?” ?
        I can make a long list if you want to.. :)

      • You’ve never heard of Swedish musicians?
        Google it and be surprised then. We have a huge music export.

      • Jenna, like the previous posters have already mentioned, there are plenty of famous musicians, designers, products and inventions from Sweden.

        Some more examples of musicians: Abba, Roxette, Millencolin, Clawfinger, Raised Fist, Mando Diao, Teddybears, The Cardigans, Dada Life, Håkan Hällström, Hardcore Superstar, Lok, Lillasyster, Sahara Hotnights, Sator, The Sounds, Vains of Jenna, The Ark, Europe, The Hives, Kent, Timo Räisänen, In Flames, Raubtier, Pain, HammerFall, Otto Knows, Basshunter, Eric Prydz, Adrian Lux… etc etc etc…

        A few examples of swedish products and inventions: Skype, Spotify, Tidal (Norwegian/Swedish), Kazaa, Contiki, lightweight IP & micro-IP (to enable many of your gadgets to be internet connected), the pacemaker, the ultrasound, dynamite, the zipper, the adjustable wrench, TetraPak, the three-point seatbelt, etc etc etc.

        Not to mention companies like Ikea, H&M, Volvo, Saab, Ericsson, etc etc..

        The list goes on and on and on.

  19. Sorry but I’m Colombian and can’t change that.
    It’s pretentious to say I live because the bla bla bla. Sorry you live because you can. Majority of the people in these word can’t choose to live like you even if they wanted.

  20. There’s something about comparing a nation of 350 million people to a country of less then 9 million people. The word “disingenuous” comes to mind.

    • Indeed it is. With a population of 350 million the taxes could have been lower for the same system. You’re paying quite alot for things only your government and a few very wealthy corporations benefit from.
      You may have heard your (quite good) economists talking about strengthening the middle class to get your economy sane, and the things Stellan praises are actually solutions to your middle class conundrum.

    • There is absolutely no difference in comparing a nation with 350 million vs. 9 million people. The only difference is your idiotic view on life, where your nation values only money, not healthcare nor the opportunity for EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE to educate themselves within chosen field. It’s because people like you, that the U.S.A is trembling. In sweden, if you have good grades from the equivilent of highschool, you can go study at KTH(Kungliga tekniska högskolan), which is a internationally known university. In the US, only the wealthy have the finances to study at for example; Harvard, Princeton, Stanford etc. Unless you get a scholarship “and about half the nation is competing for !ONE! scholarship”. I’ve lived in Indiana outside Indianapolis, and I can tell you that I wouldn’t want to move to the US in it’s current state for 10 BILLION dollars.

      • What does Stellan really know?

        He is good as an actor yes but like most “stars” they think just because they are succesful in one field they think they know everything about everything. They don’t – lets get that very clear from the gecko.

        Actors were actually considered low 3rd class amusment not too long ago. They used to rank in life similar to prostitutes. Not sure why people care to listen to their points of views in life to be honest.

        Now the only reason why Sweden used to be a welfare country (its declining in that factor very fast in recent years) is just because we were “neutral” during WW2. Our society did extremely well while other countries in Europe were trying to build up there cities in ruin.

        We are only talking about 70 years ago.

        All this is now changing when other smarter and less ignorant countries catches up.

        By 2035 Sweden we will be alot like UK / US ourselves if not worse.

        I also think its pathetic that Stellan 1) says he dislike US government ( the country that put food on his table) and 2) that he dislike US government (the country that saved Europe from Nazi Germany some 70 years ago).

        / Thomas Larsson

  21. I’m from Sweden and live in Sweden.

    I totally agree with you and when I read the article, I’m thinking that it’s pretty good to live in Sweden after all.

    We have problems here as well, but if I would become sick i know that i can get help.

  22. For anyone who think the swedish system just dropped out of the sky in consensus heaven, please understand that our history is one of a very militant labour movement. We held the European record in strikes in the 50’s and 70’s with nationwide union and non-union walk outs. Hard conflicts in the beginning of the 1900-hundreds with general strikes and pre-revolutionary conditions gave us the possibility to enforce some kind of civilized society where the right to be wealthy was not prioritized.

    No struggles, no progress.

  23. Nobody is starving in Sweden?
    Bullshit. We have people starving and dying in the streets and under bridges just like every other “civilized country”.

  24. Old Socialist who still believe in the “dream”…Horrible society in terms of individuality and “package tour” at a Government approved level…same as all socialist based systems. only at a higher level economically. Left long time ago for the US…what a breath of fresh air!

    • I just want to clarify something that seems to be quite clearly misunderstood by some: Sweden is not a socialist country. It is a capitalist society with private ownership that cannot be violated at a whim, but it has a welfare state that provides a baseline humane level for all that live there. In that society there is a lot of mistakes made but the system itself is that all should by law have a certain level of lifes necessities guaranteed.

  25. I love this part:

    “Mr. Skarsgård, where do you live?

    I live in Sweden because the taxes are higher, nobody is starving, good health care, free schools and universities. It’s a civilized country and I like that.

    You prefer paying higher taxes?

    Of course. If you make a lot of money like I do you should pay higher taxes. Everybody should have the possibility to go to school, and university, and have good healthcare.”

    Shows what a great down-to-earth and coherent person he is.

  26. Velouria Korolainen

    I’m an American citizen married to a Swedish citizen. I have lived in Sweden for 5 years. Let me clear up a few facts for everyone. Despite this actors comments Sweden places low priority on education and healthcare. They are the first to be cut from and the last to receive money. Only 20% of Swedish citizens get a university education and most have large student debt despite free tuition.

    The pensions people are receiving after working decades here is not even enough to cover rent. So most people at retirement still have to work.

    Things like barnbidrag and 1 year of parental leave eat through taxes fast and with politicians promising more bidrag to young able body people the less people are motivated to earn a living. They always have a safety net. In the mean time those working with no support from the government of any kind must make due with substandard healthcare and pensions. Make no mistake it’s the working man feeling the burden here.

    Don’t get me wrong there are some things I love about Sweden, but it’s definitely not the utopia it’s made out to be unless you make $6000 a month or receive government assistance.

    This actor is obviously clueless about US politics, because most of those medicare programs were created by the Republican party. Some of the states with the most welfare are red states. A lot of people would be surprised how much the Republican party has done throughout the country. They just have to stop listening to all the media hype and just go check the numbers and laws.

    This man would not have half his wealth or fame without America. He’s just another actor trying to use his status to make a political statement based on nothing more than his perception. It’s easy to look down on the world from your castle and diagnose the problems of the world.

    • Now, the first part of this is just straight up lies but you believe what you want I guess. There is definatly problems in Sweden too, but these exaggerations are just ridiculous.

    • A SwedeAmerican

      Velouria, so far the most accurate and balanced reply. It’s obvious Stellan has never lived in the U.S, while I wish healthcare was more affordable, when I have needed it, it’s been 1st class and the co-payment has been the same as in Sweden (around 300kr). When I got an herniated disc my Swedish doctor and The national insurance agency (Försäkringskassan) decided I would NOT get the financial help that I needed, and I payed into by paying 56% in taxes, by not being able to work, while my husbands’s small business pay 4x as much in taxes than he gets to take home in salary, in fact some months we go without salary (we work together) because we have to pay taxes every 3 months. We don’t get ANY vacation, sure as hell not paid ones, some of our money goes to the overpaid Kommun workers who travel to Thailand (or the like) every year and spend their money there since everything in Sweden is so expensive. And the educational system here is really pathetic, the teacher are letting my son use headphones protection instead of taking control of the classroom and LOUD,bratty kids. I can’t wait to go back to the States, where WE can control more where our money are spent. And perhaps live a little. I’m not paying one more dime to the royal house either by the way.

      • After having read your comment I seriously can’t stress enough how much I want you to move out of Sweden, back to America and “live a little”. Why exactly do you think your husband’s company pays 4x times his salary in taxes? My guess is that the money earned is registered as the company’s money and not your husband’s money, as you said, there are workers to be paid and they don’t deserve to be used. And there’s also the point of where the money goes to the society that helps you get by. You claim that the health care expenses are the same. If you have actually lived in Sweden and experienced something heavier than a cough I’d say you’re either lying or you can’t translate SEK to U.S dollar very well. A google search that’ll take you about 1 minute will confirm that what what you’re saying is as far from true as it possibly could be. Please move back.

      • Omg just please move back to the states…. We really don’t need you here! So untankful for everything!
        Jesus Christ.
        Sweden may not be perfect, but it’s a hell of a country you should feel privileged to live in.
        Please just go away so i don’t have to pay taxes so that you can get free healthcare or anything else that your privileged to have here, that i do for tankful people so that eveyone living here gets a chance to a good life, it’s called compassion and empathy for other people. That’s what we learn here.
        So goodbye, hope you never move back here until you realise how privileged you actually where.

    • Do you want a society that includes everyone, also those less fortunate? Or do you prefer to live in a country that applauds those who make a lot of money just for themselves.
      For me the answer is easy. I pay my taxes gladly.
      Thank you Stellan.

  27. “nobody is starving, civilized country” HAHA! Jag gråter nästan! jag skulle nog gärna vilja leva under samma sten som han tydligen lever under.

    Jag älskar stellan, han är en av mina favoitskådisar… Men vissa saker i denna text har han helt fel om. Jag ser uteliggare varje dag, jag hör rasistiska saker varje dag, jag ser kommentarer och inlägg varje dag om hur man vill få bort tiggare och utevisa massa invandrare. Jag ser svenska snorungar knuffa gamla tanter på bussen för att få den sista lediga platsen, jag ser personer kolla snett på mig när jag är artig och säger hej, jag har vänner som inte kan bo kvar i sin lilla lägenhet och som inte ens har mat varje dag på bordet, jag ser mobbning varje dag, jag ser ännu mer snorungar röka på bussar och kalla busschaffören massa fula ord när han/hon desperat försöker få dem att visa respekt, jag ser 11åringar förlora oskulden till sina 20åringar älskare… Ja, det är mycket jag ser, antar att du stellan inte ser detta?

    Sverige är ett bra land, mycket bättre än dem flesta när det kommer till skolor, sjukvård, katastrofer, farliga djur osv osv… men människorna som lever i sverige är påväg utför, helt ärligt så är dem redan halvägs ner för stupet och dem tar sverige med sig.

    Jag är stolt över att få leva i ett så vackert land, jag är stolt att svenska flaggar finns i mitt hjärta, jag är stolt över det svenska språket och att ha det som mitt moderspråk men jag är absolut inte stolt att jag är svensk, nej tack! jag har för mycket godhet och medlidande i mitt hjärta för att vara stolt över att vara svensk.

    För att vara helt ärlig… 40% av svenska befolkingen är hjärtlösa, 10% har ett hjärta av guld och vill hjälpa andra, 20% lever under en sten och inte ens vet vad som pågår (Som tyligen stellan gör?) och 30% bryr sig helt enkelt inte och har ingen åsikt om saker (vilket iaf är bättre än att vara hjärtlös)

    Men jag antar att man måste vara en av dem som blir utsatta för mobbning och fattigdom för att förstå vad som pågår?

    Och sen ska vi ju inte ens ta och prata om skolsystemet som just nu håller på att krossa flera elever, får fler och fler elever att hoppa av skolan varje år, får fler och fler elever att få F på prov och som får fler och fler elever att må dåligt och bli stressade (och i sin tur börjar skolka)… Det finns statistik på hur sämre det går för svenska skolor pga att systemet blir allt tuffare och tuffare för eleverna att klara av.

    Jag har tack och lov nu chansen att flytta till USA nästa år. Jag får se vad min åsikt blir av det landet men efter att ha diskuterat saken med mina americanska vänner som blev besvikna på sverige när dem var här så tror jag nog att jag kommer trivas mycket bättre där borta än här.

    • Problemen du radar upp finns i Sverige och det är hemskt. Men man kan inte gå runt och förvänta sig att alla ska vara änglar. Människor med osunda värderingar finns i alla länder och jag skulle nog vilja hävda att Sveriges befolkning, rent genomsnittligt, är en väldigt human befolkning om man jämför med många andra länders befolkningar, inklusive resten av Europas.

      Sen kan jag ju passa på och säga att det inte är Sveriges fel att vi har uteliggare. Alla svenska medborgare har rätt till socialbidrag för att garantera mat på bordet varje dag. Att då vissa väljer att slösa sitt socialbidrag på knark och sprit istället, är inte statens fel.

      Sen är det ju också så att väldigt många uteliggare råkar vara romer. Dom har oftast inget intresse av svenskt medborgarskap utan är bara här tillfälligt för att samla ihop pengar till sina familjer i Östeuropa. På så vis kan dom inte få något bidrag.

  28. Does Mr Skarsgård even have to pay tax in Sweden? I thought if you spend more than 6 months working abroad, which he most likely does, he will go under the tax laws of the country he works in, most likely the US. He said he has done 1 film in Sweden in 15 years?

    And with the time he spends filming abroad he probably doesn’t visit his local vårdcentral, and have to wait for 2-3 days until he can see the doctor.

    There are lots of good things about Sweden, but asking an actor who spends most time outside of Sweden may be a bit misleading. Healthcare in its current state isn’t one of those good things. It is a civilized, organised and beautiful country with very clever and equally beautiful people though.

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